
Lighting Abaddon

When I promoted UWA Hardcore I always wanted to have a real lighting show which interacted with both the music and environment. At that point, learning the ways of the wrestling business took up most of my day, which left me no time to learn new forms of art.

Today things have changed, as I have 16 years in the wrestling business behind me. The worries that I had years ago are not the same worries that I have today. With time to research, I can now bring to you the lighting show I had hoped to bring in the days of UWA Hardcore.

Realistically, to bring my complete set/lighting vision to fruition will take about 3 years. My hope is that you will give Abaddon a chance in the same way that you gave UWA Hardcore a chance.

With UWA, we gave fans events that they never thought imaginable.

I hope to do the same with Abaddon.
